As part of my job we have a "satellite base" sort of thing, to be vague. We rotate weekly between the soldiers at my base staffing at this base. Since we are down in terms of numbers of soldiers right now because of vacations and those that are in courses, I was here about a month ago for a week and I am back already. There isn't much work here, it isn't super busy, but someone has to be here! I'm one of the only girls here and at first it was very intimidating but now I'm managing fine, the soldiers come and sit in my office with me and we have coffee together after dinner sometimes. They invite me to order pizza and sit and chat with them which I may decline more often then is actually nice but I have to try and keep my distance a bit, too. They are, after all, a bunch of 18-21 year old fighters who don't get to go home often and all of a sudden they have a girl on base! The only really nerve-wracking time is Shabbat dinner in the 'mess hall' when everyone eats at the same time. Last time I sat at the table with the officers, per request of the kitchen staff thankfully, and I assume I will probably do that again this week. At least the officers are only 2 years younger than me and not 4 or 5!
To pass the time last time I was here I brought many books and there is a TV in the office. I read Exodus in the office and I read The Help in my room as my "pleasure" book. Yea, I'm a dork for having a "work" and a "pleasure" book. I am about 2/3rd of the way through both of them, both of which are about 600 pages, and look forward to finishing them both this week. I brought Hebrew books last time but didn't manage to get myself to read any. This time I also brought a workbook for studying/learning Hebrew, documents from my job to study, and my COMPUTER! I realized I can set up a WiFi HotSpot from my cell phone's internet connection to my computer, yayy!! I wish I thought to bring the USB for my phone as the connection would be better, but I'm excited to see what I can manage to do with the spotty internet connection I have here. I was seriously hoping I'd be able to skype but I'm not sure about that being a reality. My WiFi says full strength but it goes slow and struggles opening websites so I suppose that's a lie.
I'm really hope I can spend the week catching up with people, as well as finishing my books, learning Hebrew, and SLEEPING! It's like a mini-vacation being here, the only bummer is that I can't go running. By the time I leave the office it is dark out (even if I could I don't really want to run around here in the dark) and plus, when I'm here I have to be with a gun and I have no where to double lock it up if I were to go for a run, and I clearly can't just leave it somewhere. Therefore, I must find the motivation to do workouts in my room this week, last time I did about 3 or 4. Out of the 7 days I have here my goal is 5 high intensity interval training workouts in my room. Not to be overly optimistic or anything...
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